

The 金融女士 Program takes an applied approach to financial 分析, focusing on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the field. It is also a part of the CFA Institute's University Recognition Program and as such we cover more than 70% of the CBOK 特许金融分析师(CFA)考试所需的(考生知识体系). 我们会深入讲解课程,以便你对材料有一个完整的理解, 并做好充分准备,在完成硕士学位后参加所有三个级别的考试.


M.S. in Finance program begins in Summer/7月 on our Moraga campus. 这是一个为期15个月的兼职项目,采用混合形式(在线和课堂),允许参与者在上课的同时全职工作.


混合形式的课程在周二和周四晚上6点至8点通过网络直播会议进行. 此外,学生们每隔一个星期六在莫拉加的圣玛丽校园面对面交流.

你和你的同学将通过参加课程一起进步 two courses each 10 Week Term.

Add on MBA with a Finance Concentration

你是否希望继续你的教育,你为获得硕士学位所完成的课程.S. in Finance can be applied towards a 圣玛丽商学院MBA with a concentration in Finance. 这个快速通道项目使您能够通过完成以下四门基础课程和七门核心课程获得MBA学位.


International Advantage


满足签证要求等标准,并有资格成为全日制学生, you have the option to enroll in an MBA course concurrently with the M.S. 在金融项目. 这使您能够在获得硕士学位后的三到六个月内完成MBA要求.S. 学位. For international students, successfully completing the required two courses per Academic Term in the M.S. Finance program will fulfill the course-load requirement for a student visa.


  • Managerial Accounting
  • Operations Management
  • Management Communication
  • 法律 Aspects of Business


  • Organizational Behavior and Management
  • 营销管理
  • International Business
  • Ethics and Social Issues of Business
  • 行业分析
  • 商业策略
  • New Business Development


本课程涵盖公司财务报表基础的会计概念和原则, including balance sheet, 损益表, and cash flow statement. 这门财务会计的核心课程涵盖了会计原则和方法(美国公认会计原则“GAAP”和国际财务报告准则“IFRS”)用于准备三个主要的财务报表-资产负债表, 损益表, and the statement of cash flows. 本课程强调基本会计概念的基本原理和含义. 我们使用问题来加强这些概念的学习,并弥合财务报表的准备和在各种决策情况下的解释和使用之间的差距.

本课程涵盖微观经济学和宏观经济学(包括市场结构)的概念和分析技术, fiscal and monetary policy, 国际贸易, international financial markets, spot and forward exchange rates, interest rate parity and purchasing power parity.

本课程涵盖数据分析的分析方法,包括离散和连续概率分布, descriptive statistics, sampling and statistical inference, 相关, simple and multiple linear regression, and time series 分析.

本课程介绍公司财务原理及其在当今商业中的应用. It focuses on the measurement and creation of value in a corporation. Topics include financial markets, 财务报表, free cash flow forecasting, present value 分析, the theory of risk and return, 投资组合理论, 资产定价模型, 资金成本, 资本预算, 资本结构, and value based management.

本课程建立在介绍会计原则的基础上,涵盖了在财务报表报告和分析中应用的高级会计概念. 除了, 本课程建立在介绍估值模型和估值技术的基础上,涵盖了额外的估值模型和技术. 本课程为学生提供应用财务报表报告的机会, 分析, 以及课程中涉及的估值模型和估值技术通过对实际公司进行估值.

This course provides an overview of domestic and global securities markets, 投资组合理论, portfolio management, and concepts of equity 分析. 它介绍了用于估计证券预期收益和风险的模型,并重点介绍了处理证券数据的理论和实践方面, portfolio optimization for constructing portfolios, and portfolio performance attribution and evaluation.

本课程介绍固定收益证券的估值原理和投资组合管理技术,包括债券的类型和特征, the term structure of interest rates, 利差, spot rates and forward rates, measurement of interest rate risk using duration and convexity, mortgage– backed securities and prepayment risk, asset– backed securities, 国际债券, 信用分析.


This course introduces the principles of derivatives, the mechanics of how they work, the models used to value them, the markets they are traded in, and how they can be used for risk management. Derivatives include options, forwards, futures, and swaps. Derivatives markets are very large in volume and derivatives are traded by financial institutions and non– financial corporations; derivatives trading can affect other markets as well so it is critical to understand what they are and how they work.

This course covers portfolio management which is the process of constructing, 管理, and monitoring investment portfolios for individuals and for institutions (e.g. pension plans and university endowment funds). 该课程涵盖了广泛的主题,包括股权/固定收益/另类投资/衍生品的使用, 资产配置, passive and active equity and fixed income strategies, 行为金融学, investment policy statements, portfolio immunization, the regulatory environment, 税, international investing, performance measurement / benchmarking / attribution, and ethical application of portfolio management.

This course covers Risk Management which is the process of identifying, 量化, 并将投资组合和/或业务运营中的风险调整到所需的风险水平. The course takes a mathematical approach to recognize, 量化, and manage three primary forms of financial risk: interest rate risk, 股票市场风险, and foreign exchange risk. The course covers how to use derivatives including Futures, 转发, 选项, and Swaps to manage portfolio risk. 本课程还将讨论各种其他风险来源,如流动性风险和商品风险.

This course provides a basic introduction to business ethics, 具体审查CFA协会道德准则(以下简称“准则”)所要求的道德和专业责任。, Standards of Professional Conduct (the “Standards”), and related best practices guidelines. 《十大网赌平台》和《十大正规网赌平台》代表了为金融业的行为建立一套统一标准的最广泛接受的国际尝试. 对《十大网赌平台》和《十大正规网赌平台》的全面了解有助于任何金融专业人士了解金融行业道德的特殊性,并评估和实施他或她自己公司的道德准则. 该课程课程是围绕CFA课程和CFA协会候选人知识体系中所示的学习成果陈述而设计的,CFA考试的所有三个级别都涵盖了这些内容. 对准则和标准的深刻理解对于成功完成CFA课程和负责任的财务管理至关重要.